Video One
FERRETS 101 by Dr. Valarie Tynes of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Uploaded on YouTube Oct. 16, 2012. Running time: 3:39.
Video Two
HOW TO CARE FOR YOUR FERRET by the late Robin Hochgertel, longtime director of the Ferrets First shelter in Annandale, Va. This is a brief introduction to her video series on ferret housing, treats and toys, hygiene and much more. Running time: 1:59.
Video Three
FERRET BEHAVIORAL AND MEDICAL ISSUES This selection from Robin's excellent series of ferret care videos taps her professional knowledge as a registered nurse and radiologist. Running time: 6:55.
Video Five
HOW DO YOU WASH A FERRET? Stephanie Warzecha of FerretWorld.com shows how to bathe a ferret - and have fun doing it. Uploaded on YouTube Jan. 15, 2012. Running time: 10:23.
Video Six
FERRET CARE - CAGE AND HOUSING REQUIREMENTS Robin Hochgertel's video not only shows how to set up different types of cages, but discusses how to ferret-proof a room and other important safety tips. Running time: 6:02.